Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Who's Yo Midwife?

I have this opinion about higher education...I know way too many people my age and older who wish very much that they could have a do-over with their choice of degree. There are definitely those who knew what they wanted to do straight out of high school and now do and will always do that very thing.  These are generally the doctors, lawyers, businessmen/women, and teachers etc of our society. (Although even some of THEM aren't practicing in the field they studied either). And so my opinion is that, as a society in general, we often push our children to go straight into college when MOST OF THE TIME 18 years of age is way too inexperienced and not nearly self-aware enough to make a decision about what they want to do for the rest of their lives!

I cringe a little every time somebody asks me what my degree is in...are you ready for this...INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES! That's right folks, I have a degree in NOTHING! Correction; I have FOUR minors and no major. "Why?" you ask....because I had NO CLUE what I wanted to do when I went to school. Well, let me take that back, I wanted to do missions but I didn't know what kind of degree would be practical for that. So here I swim in a sea of school debt and every month I make a payment for an education that I dare say I NEVER use. At least not the curriculam part of it. I undoubtedly DO use the life experience I gained in going through college.

Now for the good part... What would YOU do if you got a re-do? What would you have gone to school for? Wanna know what I would have done if I knew then what I know now?...Instead of a bachelor's of ARTS I would have done SCIENCE. Nursing to be exact. That would have allowed for a future in...drum roll please... MIDWIFERY! It is pretty gutsy to lay it all out here for all you kind folks to read but I will go ahead and tell you that before I am 40, (that's only 11 years away people) I wish to complete a Master's of Science in Nursing with an emphasis in Midwifery.

 First thing's first though and for us right now, that is building our family. Once the baby-making is over and the kids are starting school, if it all works out, I'll hit the books once more and do what I am dreaming of: support women to good health and help them bring their babies into this world.

 Meanwhile back home on the range, gonna go chase after my 9 month old who is making a snack out of a deck of cards...


  1. You will be a fantastic midwife! And with 11 years to prepare, you can enjoy the journey. Kiss the baby for us. xoxo
