Saturday, October 29, 2011


This is so completely fascinating...

God is pretty darn cool! This will be short and all you veteran moms out there who have gone full term in pregnancy will probably get a kick out of my "virgin version" of this but I just can't help but blog about it...

For the past 3 days now (including today) I have been getting very strong contractions/pre-labor pains/braxton hicks/false labor. LOL I use all those terms cause that's the various ways different folks describe it. Anyways, the reason its so cool is because I can literally watch my entire belly tighten immensely as if I were flexing (like I could do THAT at this point!). It gets so tight in fact that you can see a fairly detailed outline of Reesor.

Its only painful if it happens while I'm standing or walking so I'm making a point these days to stay seated or lying down quite a bit. I know this can go on for weeks but I'm just fascinated by how God set everything up to prepare both my body and the baby for the miracle of birth. Nifty!

Maybe my next post will include a picture of my child (not in-utero) :) Meanwhile, unless you are super easily offended, check out this cute cartoon:

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