A Doula is, in sort, h coach. Her role is to facilitate a mom through her pregnancy, during the birth, and post-partum. She is educated in anatomy and the physiology of birth as well as in pain-management techniques that can be applied during labor. She also is trained in communication skills to better interact with clients and the medical staff during births. And on a side note let me just say that I USED TO think I was a good communicator but my course has shown me otherwise. :( O-well, lots to learn!
A Doula is NOT medically trained and cannot perform any type of medical procedure whatsoever. She also does not give medical advice.
So here I am getting my Birth Doula Certification through an organization called Childbirth International. If you have read Reesor's birth story you know that I had a doula at my birth and am positive that she is a major contributor to why I was able to have the birth experience I had planned for.
Doulas can attend any type of birth (home-birth, waterbirth, epidural, c-section etc) but are generally hired by women who seek a natural birth. I have become passionate about the "birth scene" here in GA and about supporting moms, particularly those who are looking for an unmedicated birth experience. So, come this summer I will be officially certified to assist in births and will be looking to take on clients. Know anybody who is pregnant in the Atlanta area? I'd LOVE to talk to them!
I'm currently working on my website but once it is launched you can direct them to zoedas.com. For now, they can contact me at zoedasdoula@gmail.com
Yay! I'm so excited!