Yesterday was an interesting day for our Das family to say the least. Other words you could use to describe it might be scary, different, hectic, and painful. But before I go on, I just want to say HOW AMAZING GOD'S PEACE IS. Through all of the yesterday's events I felt His hand and never once did I feel out of control or panicked. Its a long story so for the sake of your time, I'll try and just get to the highlights.
While working my half day shift in the morning I starting feeling a bit "crampy". At first I chalked it up to round ligament pain that usually hits right around NOW in pregnancy and just kept working. But around 11 I realized that the pain was coming in time-able increments and was getting more intense. At a few minutes before noon I decided it was too intense to ignore, I closed my teller window, told my boss what was happening and got out of there to call my midwife.
After a series of questions from her I was instructed to go to the hospital ASAP. So I got home and Aaron and I did exactly that: made the 45 minute trek down to Atlanta Medical Center. I felt a little silly cause I wasn't in all that much PAIN but I just had a feeling that something wasn't right. But after 15 minutes on the fetal monitor the nurse rushes in and says "you just had 6, one-minute contractions within a 12 minute time period!" SERIOUSLY?! For those of you who don't know, that is how long and frequent contractions are when a woman is in the FINAL stage of labor, moments before delivery! Even with this news I felt a total Peace. I should note that this entire time Reesor's heart rate was right at what it should be and he was kicking those belly monitors all over the place. Never once were they concerned about him and for that I am SO thankful!
So what does any good hospital do with a pre-term labor situation?...they hook you up to everything possible! After two failed attempts at starting an IV and busting both veins (which are now swollen and bruised) they were able to start my hydration IV. (For those who know about this stuff, I never dilated but my cervix has already started thinning out.)
Three hours and two doses of Terbutaline (a drug used to relax the uterus and stop contractions) later my contractions had subsided and I was released. But not before being placed on weekend bed rest and given all kinds of instructions. Tomorrow I have to go visit my midwife first thing and await further instruction. As for today, I'm a writing, tv-watcing, knitting machine who is sending Aaron to get the groceries and clean the house. I guess bed rest isn't all that bad! ;)
On a serious note, Aaron and I would covet your prayers at this time that we will have no more episodes of this sort and that Reesor is carried to full term! As much as I want to kiss his face, I will happily wait until his little body is ready to take on the outside world!
Here's a picture of the event:

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