Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sick. Sick. and Sick. Again.

This year, so far, has been marked by sickness of all kind.  None of it has been "serious" by any means.  Just your regular household viruses and plagues. 

I'm pretty sure that if I weren't me, I would be looking at me thinking "she's such an exaggerator."  Or perhaps "she's acting like a hypercondriac." 

Let me assure you that neither of these have been the case.  I would prefer to be able to "suck it up", take some helpful meds, and carry on with daily life, sick or not.  That hasn't been an option for me.  I have missed work at Wells and work as a doula.  I have had to cancel appointments and hire childcare on my "off" days because I couldn't take care of my little man.  If it wasn't me, it was Aaron.  If it wasn't me or Aaron it was Reesor.  AAAAAAAAAhhh!!!!!  In chronological order:

First week of January: I got some kind of sinus infection or cold.  But this wasn't your average cold or infection.  My head hurt so bad that standing or sitting made me feel like I would pass out. I missed a day of Wells for that one and it lasted about 4 days total and took equally as long to fully recover from.

End of January:  Reesor got what I had (I think) or some variation thereof.  He had a fever and insisted on sitting in my lap or co-sleeping 24/7.  His was only about 3 days so it was "ok".

Mid February:  Aaron's turn.  Aaron became fatigued due to all his crazy new work as a brand new Financial Advisor with Wells and therefor became ill.  Pretty sure it was the flu.  Achy all over, chills, fever etc.   He didn't have the option to miss work for that so he had to work through it, probably high from all the cough meds and "DayTime" decongestants. 

First week of March:  I got the stomach flu.  As in, I hugged the porcelain god for about 30 hours which was followed by a fever and extreme body pain.  I remained nauseas for days afterward and everybody, EVERYBODY (including myself for just a second) wondered if I could be pregnant.  I missed a birth for that which added insult to injury.  And no, multiple tests confirmed I was not and am not pregnant.

As soon as I recovered from that Reesor started coughing.  The kind of coughing where you can hear the mucus deep in his chest trying to break free and as it surfaces you choke and can't breath for a few seconds and your eyes water and you turn red (only you're a tiny little person and its scary as hell)

While he was on the back-end of his cough, I got it.  Which has turned into a head cold now.

This morning, still battling with my snot-fest, I came down with mastitis.  If you don't know what that is, in my own words, I will tell you:  Mastitis happens when you are a nursing mom and one of your breasts becomes infected.  By infected I mean: YOU WANT TO CUT IT OFF IT HURTS SO BAD!  Sorry for the TMI.  It's accompanied with a fever and flu-like symptoms that take your average flu and make it look like a 10-day cruise to the Caribbean.  Yay for me!

So for all your skeptical folk out there wondering why I have been complaining about illness so you know.  Yes, we are a vitamin-taking, vegetable-eating, in-shape family.  I'm hoping that whenever the warm weather arrives, I'll be finished with all this shenanigans and won't have to look at a tissue, barf bucket, or thermometer for a long long LONG long time!