I have recently diagnosed myself with what I'm calling "First-Time-Mommy-Over-Achiever Syndrome". It is exactly what it sounds like: the first-timers who feel the need to go above and beyond what is necessary to prepare for the arrival of the peanut.
I blame this on two things:
First, a veteran mom doing this for the 2nd or more time already has other little feet to chase around and can't dedicate as much time over-thinking every insignificant detail. Plus she knows how to do most of it already and doesn't need to spend hours researching all the how-to's.
Secondly, my deep deep DEEP need to be prepared for every possible and unlikely situation and scenario and the need for each of those unlikely situations and scenarios to end up perfect and well-managed. :) I tell others I'm just trying to be responsible and then I go off in a corner and roll my eyes at myself because I know I'm a planner to the core. haha
So here's what's on the list of over-achieving things I have done to prepare for Reesor:
1. His room is done and has been mostly done for quite some time (I still have a supposed 4 weeks to go). I ordered his crib when I was like 20 wks prego and we had it assembled and ready by 24.
2. All of his clothes have been laundered for weeks now and are organized and ready for use.
3. Part of my workout/yoga routine is "meditating" on all the possible outcomes for my labor and delivery process. This includes but isn't limited to water birth, early labor, late labor, short labor, long labor, un-medicated labor, c-section, early induction and blablablablabla. My need to be emotionally and mentally prepared for each one is high on my list of priorities. Sick, I know.
4. And here's the winner folks: I went to my local fire department and did a one-on-one with an instructor on how to properly install the car seat we bought Reesor (which we also bought like 3 months ago). Now you may laugh at me for doing the consult but I learned a lot! I feel like Reesor is going to be as safe as can be no matter what vehicle he's riding in. As a warning to all my friends and family who's vehicles will one day carry Reesor, you can expect a full "talkin-to" regarding his safety when the time comes.
So there ya have it. This has been Confesions of a First-Time-Mommy-Over-Achiever Syndrome and you can look forward to more reflections on the matter.